Blues Deluxe radio show

Our Blue Bloods Segment

Featuring unsigned bands and independent-label music releases.

Submit your music to Blues Deluxe for consideration and it may be selected for an upcoming radio show!


Send your music on CD to:

Blue Bloods
Music Unlimited Productions
2207 Canyonwood Drive
Arlington, Texas USA 76012

  • Please include your name, address, phone number and email address, so we can contact you if we use your submission.​
  • Submissions will not be returned unless you provide a self-addressed stamped envelope with correct postage. 
  • We will not consider any submissions that include objectionable lyrics (i.e., obscene language). ​
  • We also will not consider any releases with cover art that pictures ANY form of dangerous drug use, such as Tobacco, Alcohol, Marijuana, Cocaine, etc.​

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